Monday, September 20, 2010

My Relationship with Dance

 I like to compare how I feel about dance with the many different relationships you encounter in life with members of the opposite sex (or same sex if that is your preference) and the many types of love you can feel for someone else.

Sooooooo--- When you think about the types of relationships or loves you have with those special someones they all tend to fall into an order that is almost chronological. They all have the same level of significance but serve very different purposes and each has a very different place in your heart. I tend to put them in the following 4 categories:
  1. Best Friend 
  2. First Love 
  3. Husband 
  4. Mistress
BEST FRIEND:  Before hormones and puberty kicked in everyone was friends with everyone and there was never a worry about it "getting complicated." At least when I was 5- lately however these 5 year olds have more drama then most 25 year olds I know- shameful. Anyway- when you were 5 you always had the best friend that was of the opposite sex. He was the only one who couldn't give you the cooties. I met mine at the playground. His name was Eddie. We used to dig up worms and bury acorns together. We met every weekday after school and just enjoyed each other's company as we compared who's worms were juicier or who could bury their acorns deepest. The bond you have with this best friend is forever lasting. You'll grow up and you can always go back to your best friend like no time has passed. The topics of conversation may change (hopefully) but nothing else will change. My dance best friend is Dancehall (reggae, soca, calypso). 

FIRST LOVE: * Sigh * Everyone never forgets their First Love. He's that guy or gal that first made your stomach flutter; the mega crush. The one that could make you blush with just a side-way glance. Their presence alone made you super nervous, and when you finally got together you did all your "firsts" together. Thats what made 'em so special. My first love was my female best friends cousin. I had a crush on him for 3 years before he ever realized I existed. But thinking back- I'll never forget him- or regret him. Years later you can encounter your first love again and it will always be awkward. But after some time it will warm up to "like old times." My dance first love is Hip Hop. 

HUSBAND: AHA! The lucky one who stole your heart and gave you the world. He's the guy that gave you everything you needed and more. You invested the most time in him of all your life loves, and he in you. The love you have for him is deep,  but not necessarily intense. You've been through good times and bad times and know that through it all you can count on him. My dance husband is Salsa. 

MISTRESS:  Just when you think that life is comfortable and you've settled down with the love of your life someone else catches your eye. That person may have all the qualities Hubby has,  or may have none but there is something about him that makes you so curious. He has that one thing over hubby and you just have to give in and explore it. But the relationship tends to be an insecure one, one set to escape reality and not be reality. The Mistress does for you what the husband cannot. My dance mistress is Jazz. 

Now- all of these are interchangeable and can overlap quite easily. One can change from one category to the other. For example- your childhood best friend can easily also be your first love and your husband. You can divorce him and remarry and he re-enter your life as your mistress. OR You have that childhood best friend, a first love, a husband- all different  and have your best friend or first love re-surface as your mistress. OR You can be married, have a mistress, separate from your husband, fall in love with your mistress and make him your husband. I'm jus' sayin'! The possibilities are endless.

Let's use the definitions of these to see where I now stand in my relationship with dance. 

In High School dancehall and I became best friends. In College I fell in love with Hip Hop. After College I met and married Salsa. Through Salsa I was introduced to Jazz- and now I've separated  with my husband and am getting to know my mistress better. I miss my husband sometimes. My best friend is always around when I need him. My first love is also around- and we have small trysts here and there. But for now mistress has most of my time, energy and focus.

 What will happen from here? I dunno. Tune in and see for yourself! I may end up moving to Utah and having them all as my husbands, living peacefully all under one roof. But I doubt that. I shun polygamy. 

5 Things I am Thankful for: 
  1. Humor- when all else fails laugh at life. It's funny- trust me. 
  2. Sleep- I <3 u! It's my second mistress
  3. Fruit Smoothies- NUM NUM! 
  4. Unemployment- holding me down right now
  5. Music- when I'm tired of this world you elevate me to a new one. 

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