Madonna has been hosting auditions at the BDC for the launch of her daughter Lourdes' new clothing line Material Girl. The contestants had their freestlyle audtion posted on YouTube and the favorites are given an opportunity to dance at the launch of the Line at Macy's Herald Square.
I missed the first auditions. It was in the morning. Yeah-- u know me....
ALAS! There were a second set of auditions last Thursday, in the afternoon. Now we're talking. I had no excuse. I was already at BDC and I summoned up the courage to just go and audition. I had nothing to lose. * Kanye Shrug *
It happened to be an early day for me, and I can't stress enough that I am NOT a morning person. I rolled out of bed,showered and threw on sweats, converses and a plaid button down. Hair slicked back in a low bun and a Yankee fitted cap. My comfort gear :-) As I walked to the train that morning I was thinking "Hmmmm... Am I forgetting something?" I MILKed (Money, ID, Lipgloss, Keys) and figured not.
Midday I remembered. Comfort gear is NOT Audition gear. SMH. I sat there watching as the people milled in for the audition. All the girls looking hella sexy- midriff tops, bangles, hoop earrings, short shorts, tights, heels.... And here I am looking like a 12 year old tom-boy.
*Shrug* what can you do? I just prayed my bubbly personality and my 1000 watt smile would win them over.
I took my number. 11. Not a great number. I looked up to see Madonna's entourage- the men who would be panelists and * GASP * my heart sunk. Standing there in an Adidas track jacket was Normann. A French breaker I met a few months back. He thought I was "Zee mos beauuutifuuuu gurl in zee world." I had taken his number and after one day of text message exchange decided I was not interested and told him. Yes- that bluntly. I really didn't want to lead him on was the case. He seemed like a really sweet guy. Just not for me. I ignored him after that. Not very nice of me.
It would be my luck that he's the main panelist at the very first audition of my dance career.
In walks Dister. Hip-hop dancer EXTRAORDINAIRE, and a good friend of mine. He was well aware of my Pepe Le Pew fiasco with Normann and why I all of a sudden became uncomfortable. (side note- Normann does not smell bad lol) Dister laughed at me. Five minutes later he calls me over, and lo and behold- he's chatting with Normann! F. U. Dister! F. U. where the SUN DON'T SHINE! F. U. Hard and un-lubricated! ( please excuse my vulgarity).
But to my surprise- Normann was very happy to see me. * PHEW *
Ok- So my number is called. I had my freestyle all planned out, all I thought was Why?!?! Because as soon as I entered studio 4 all was forgotten. I ended up doing the same four moves in four different orders. Not bad- that gives 16 varieties of the same thing. Here were my moves :
- Groove, groove
- Triple spin
- Drop and booty pop
- Side wine (a la Ciara)
I left thinking "Great first experience Mel. NOT." Oh well. I'll learn from this.
Then---- I got an email on Sunday. Rehearsal Monday and Tuesday from 6-10 in Studio 8. WHAT!?!!? I booked? My disastrous performance? It had to be the shoe flick. I'm sure that that was BEYOND amusing.
Catch me and some AMAZING dancers tonight at the MACY's in Herald Square performing for Madonna. Wooo hooo!! My first Gig!
Again- Tonight! 6 pm!
Macy's Herald Square
151 West 34th Street
New York, NY 10001-2101
5 Things I am Thankful for:
- Dister- he can be as big a blessing as a pain in my a** <3
- My Upbringing- If I were not raised as a genuinely honest and good person I would not have made it this far in life
- Opportunity- we are not thankful enough for this. It approaches us everyday and we rarely seize it, but when you do it is overwhelmingly satisfying
- Brooklyn- that ackee and saltfish breakfast gave me the energy to last the day! Only in BK!
- Fellow Dancers- Always there to remind you that you're not alone and give you what you need to continue to do what we love
Wow!!! Congrats Mel. I'm so happy for you. I wish I could be there to see you. Good luck girl. I am more then sure that you will do great, and be a STAR.. Your beautiful! Keep up the great work! ;)
ReplyDeleteSo because I read this on Google Reader, I totally missed this, but you're so awesome & I'm so proud of you. I wish I had been there!