Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Material Girl in a Material World

Madonna has been hosting auditions at the BDC for the launch of her daughter Lourdes' new clothing line Material Girl. The contestants had their freestlyle audtion posted on YouTube and the favorites are given an opportunity to dance at the launch of the Line at Macy's Herald Square.

I missed the first auditions. It was in the morning. Yeah-- u know me....

ALAS! There were a second set of auditions last Thursday, in the afternoon. Now we're talking. I had no excuse. I was already at BDC and I summoned up the courage to just go and audition.  I had nothing to lose. * Kanye Shrug *

It happened to be an early day for me, and I can't stress enough that I am NOT a morning person. I rolled out of bed,showered and threw on sweats, converses and a plaid button down. Hair slicked back in a low bun and a Yankee fitted cap. My comfort gear :-) As I walked to the train that morning I was thinking "Hmmmm... Am I forgetting something?" I MILKed (Money, ID, Lipgloss, Keys) and figured not.

Midday I remembered. Comfort gear is NOT Audition gear. SMH. I sat there watching as the people milled in for the audition. All the girls looking hella sexy- midriff tops, bangles, hoop earrings, short shorts, tights, heels.... And here I am looking like a 12 year old tom-boy.

*Shrug* what can you do?  I just prayed my bubbly personality and my 1000 watt smile would win them over.

I took my number. 11. Not a great number. I looked up to see Madonna's entourage- the men who would be panelists and * GASP * my heart sunk. Standing there in an Adidas track jacket was Normann. A French breaker I met a few months back. He thought I was "Zee mos beauuutifuuuu gurl in zee world." I had taken his number and after one day of text message exchange decided I was not interested and told him. Yes- that bluntly. I really didn't want to lead him on was the case. He seemed like a really sweet guy. Just not for me. I ignored him after that. Not very nice of me.

It would be my luck that he's the main panelist at the very first audition of my dance career.

In walks Dister. Hip-hop dancer EXTRAORDINAIRE, and a good friend of mine. He was well aware of my Pepe Le Pew fiasco with Normann and why I all of a sudden became uncomfortable. (side note- Normann does not smell bad lol) Dister laughed at me. Five minutes later he calls me over, and lo and behold- he's chatting with Normann! F. U. Dister! F. U. where the SUN DON'T SHINE! F. U. Hard and un-lubricated! ( please excuse my vulgarity).

But to my surprise- Normann was very happy to see me. * PHEW *

Ok- So my number is called. I had my freestyle all planned out, all I thought was Why?!?! Because as soon as I entered studio 4 all was forgotten. I ended up doing the same four moves in four different orders. Not bad- that gives 16 varieties of the same thing. Here were my moves :
  • Groove, groove
  • Triple spin
  • Drop and booty pop
  • Side wine (a la Ciara)
Have fun imagining my combination. I did manage however to throw in a round-off and a split. My signature moves from the College years. My sneaker was also falling off at one point and I did a nice shoe flick to get them off my feet. All this amounts to one thing: DISASTER. I did get a second chance afterward to dance some salsa with Dister, I know at least I killed that. THANKS DISTER!

 I left thinking "Great first experience Mel. NOT." Oh well. I'll learn from this.

Then---- I got an email on Sunday. Rehearsal Monday and Tuesday from 6-10 in Studio 8. WHAT!?!!? I booked? My disastrous performance? It had to be the shoe flick. I'm sure that that was BEYOND amusing.

Catch me and some AMAZING dancers tonight at the MACY's in Herald Square performing for Madonna. Wooo hooo!! My first Gig!

Again- Tonight! 6 pm!

Macy's Herald Square 

151 West 34th Street

New York, NY 10001-2101

5 Things I am Thankful for:
  1. Dister- he can be as big a blessing as a pain in my a** <3
  2. My Upbringing- If I were not raised as a genuinely honest and good person I would not have made it this far in life 
  3. Opportunity- we are not thankful enough for this. It approaches us everyday and we rarely seize it, but when you do it is overwhelmingly satisfying
  4. Brooklyn- that ackee and saltfish breakfast gave me the energy to last the day! Only in BK! 
  5. Fellow Dancers- Always there to remind you that you're not alone and give you what you need to continue to do what we love


The first thing necessary before going into any career field is getting the proper education and training. Usually this starts from a very young age. I was told as a young girl that I would be Mommy's little doctor. My whole life I specialized and excelled in Math and Science, I was in every science club you can think of. My program in High School was "Med-Sci." I got my Bachelors of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science. My path was set. Med School was supposed to be the next stop.

Unfortunately the Arts always had a hold on my heart. I loved to draw and sketch and paint and write. But it was dance that ultimately took  me off that original set path, and it came very late in life.(Most dancers train from the age of 6!)

I'll never regret my education however. I still am utterly fascinated by the sciences. And it will probably serve as a nice plan B if ever something disastrous were to happen in my dance career (knock on wood).

So once I decided to truly pursue dance I had to find a training program. And I found one of the best in NYC. I am currently apart of the Professional Semester Dance Training Program at the Broadway Dance Center.

The program started 3 weeks ago and I learned a lot in just that first week of Orientation. I would tell you everything but that's not nice. Apply and Join! Here were some cool points on Professionalism that were brought up:
  • ALWAYS have a pen ( this is genius!) 
  • ALWAYS leave your number twice 
  • ALWAYS spell check 
  • Repeat as you enter a room - "Happy to be here, and ready to work!" (It's crazy how this small statement changes your whole mindset) 
Thank Miss Bonnie Erickson for these points.

Alright so now to the title of this entry. D-Day. SMH. The day we had our Class Placement Evaluation/ Mock Audition. The following is my journal entry of that day:


Today was our placement class/mock audition or what I like to call D-Day. YUP- I did horribly. But not all is lost! I already knew I'd do horrible. 

The Ballet/Jazz/Theater section was so difficult! The level of technique needed in each was WAY beyond any technique that I had acquired in my 3 ballet classes ever taken in LIFE. BUT! I attacked it, the whole time smiling. Looking like a hell of a fool and not caring. 

There were 2 people on the panel of judges that helped me feel at ease and encouraged me throughout. Those were Sheila Barker and Jamie Salmon. Sheila teaches Jazz and Jamie Ballet. They could tell off the bat that I was NOT a trained dancer at all. But they winked, nodded and encouraged me through the whole time. I was breaking a sweat, I was attacking that choreo and the whole time my heart was screaming out to Sheila and Jamie "THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"

They broke us into groups and my nerves got the best of me. I got ahead of myself and did everything too early. I forgot my steps and I even invented some new ones. But all I kept thinking was- "Girl go out there strong, smile, do your best and stick that ending pose." And I did. So I was satisfied with that. 

I knew that it would be difficult, and I knew that it would be beyond my current capabilities, but afterward I still went into the bathroom and cried (careful not to ruin my mascara of course). It was a big blow to my ego- and I will admit it's a big ego. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And mine fell HARD. From the third floor bathroom of the BDC, through to the basement, down to the Earth's core and it resurfaced somewhere in Asia. Rumor has it a Panda cub is playing with it in a Bamboo forest in China. 

It was a truly humbling experience however. It was a harsh smack of reality, that I am a LONG LONG LONG way off of my dream to become a Professional Dancer. But again- IT WAS NOT A LOSS!  

This all just served to be a means to have the determination to go harder. Knowing that potential is there and I just need to attack this road with a fervor like no other dancer has before. I have to work 10x as hard as everyone else but I WILL. I am not afraid. I accept this challenge with pride and dignity. 

After my cry, we changed into our Hip-hop gear. I wanted to do well here. Hip-hop is a lot closer to my language. But that Panda bear had my ego in a choke-hold. I couldn't summon up the confidence I needed. I went through the whole choreo just touching the surface. They allowed us some freestyle and I used it as my release. But again- never leaving my comfort zone. Afterward I was upset at myself for not being able to overcome the blow. 

But what can you do?  You live, and you learn. And THAT'S what I am doing here in the first place. To LIVE dance, to LEARN dance, to become ONE with dance. At the end of the day the realization was this: 

I am exactly where I belong. 
Now to sign up for those basic ballet classes. Can't find me?  I'll be at the barre. 

5 Things I'm Thankful For: 
  1. Being on time for the 4th time in a row- I suffer from chronic lateness and have no meds. 
  2. Coffee- it makes me a morning person
  3. Realization
  4. Ahtoy Won-Pat Borja- if it were not for the little ballet training that she was able to give me I would have been a lot more lost. Thank you Toy
  5. Fatigue- tired but happy, pained but fulfilled. Call me a masochist. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Relationship with Dance

 I like to compare how I feel about dance with the many different relationships you encounter in life with members of the opposite sex (or same sex if that is your preference) and the many types of love you can feel for someone else.

Sooooooo--- When you think about the types of relationships or loves you have with those special someones they all tend to fall into an order that is almost chronological. They all have the same level of significance but serve very different purposes and each has a very different place in your heart. I tend to put them in the following 4 categories:
  1. Best Friend 
  2. First Love 
  3. Husband 
  4. Mistress
BEST FRIEND:  Before hormones and puberty kicked in everyone was friends with everyone and there was never a worry about it "getting complicated." At least when I was 5- lately however these 5 year olds have more drama then most 25 year olds I know- shameful. Anyway- when you were 5 you always had the best friend that was of the opposite sex. He was the only one who couldn't give you the cooties. I met mine at the playground. His name was Eddie. We used to dig up worms and bury acorns together. We met every weekday after school and just enjoyed each other's company as we compared who's worms were juicier or who could bury their acorns deepest. The bond you have with this best friend is forever lasting. You'll grow up and you can always go back to your best friend like no time has passed. The topics of conversation may change (hopefully) but nothing else will change. My dance best friend is Dancehall (reggae, soca, calypso). 

FIRST LOVE: * Sigh * Everyone never forgets their First Love. He's that guy or gal that first made your stomach flutter; the mega crush. The one that could make you blush with just a side-way glance. Their presence alone made you super nervous, and when you finally got together you did all your "firsts" together. Thats what made 'em so special. My first love was my female best friends cousin. I had a crush on him for 3 years before he ever realized I existed. But thinking back- I'll never forget him- or regret him. Years later you can encounter your first love again and it will always be awkward. But after some time it will warm up to "like old times." My dance first love is Hip Hop. 

HUSBAND: AHA! The lucky one who stole your heart and gave you the world. He's the guy that gave you everything you needed and more. You invested the most time in him of all your life loves, and he in you. The love you have for him is deep,  but not necessarily intense. You've been through good times and bad times and know that through it all you can count on him. My dance husband is Salsa. 

MISTRESS:  Just when you think that life is comfortable and you've settled down with the love of your life someone else catches your eye. That person may have all the qualities Hubby has,  or may have none but there is something about him that makes you so curious. He has that one thing over hubby and you just have to give in and explore it. But the relationship tends to be an insecure one, one set to escape reality and not be reality. The Mistress does for you what the husband cannot. My dance mistress is Jazz. 

Now- all of these are interchangeable and can overlap quite easily. One can change from one category to the other. For example- your childhood best friend can easily also be your first love and your husband. You can divorce him and remarry and he re-enter your life as your mistress. OR You have that childhood best friend, a first love, a husband- all different  and have your best friend or first love re-surface as your mistress. OR You can be married, have a mistress, separate from your husband, fall in love with your mistress and make him your husband. I'm jus' sayin'! The possibilities are endless.

Let's use the definitions of these to see where I now stand in my relationship with dance. 

In High School dancehall and I became best friends. In College I fell in love with Hip Hop. After College I met and married Salsa. Through Salsa I was introduced to Jazz- and now I've separated  with my husband and am getting to know my mistress better. I miss my husband sometimes. My best friend is always around when I need him. My first love is also around- and we have small trysts here and there. But for now mistress has most of my time, energy and focus.

 What will happen from here? I dunno. Tune in and see for yourself! I may end up moving to Utah and having them all as my husbands, living peacefully all under one roof. But I doubt that. I shun polygamy. 

5 Things I am Thankful for: 
  1. Humor- when all else fails laugh at life. It's funny- trust me. 
  2. Sleep- I <3 u! It's my second mistress
  3. Fruit Smoothies- NUM NUM! 
  4. Unemployment- holding me down right now
  5. Music- when I'm tired of this world you elevate me to a new one. 

Who am I?

Hello World. I'm Melany. Melany Anne Centeno is my "government" name, but some people call me Mel, or Melly Mel. I don't have any nicknames, though a friend in High School used to call me Goya. ( Lee Rabinowitz- I called him Matzoh) 
Every social media network I am apart of I have under my birth name. Facebook, Twiitter, Gmail (sorry I took down the MySpace- I'm a little too cool for that one). SImple. How I like it. I almost want a "dance name" but knowing myself I'll probably just go by Melany Anne. Call me uncreative. 

Anywhoodles- As I've hinted I am a Dancer. I've very recently decided to make this my career path. Before that I worked in a Lab. Go figure- a mad scientist dancer. But it makes some twisted sense. Science and the Arts are related. Every time you enter a dance class or rehearsal it's like your own science "lab."  You experiment with different forms of movement to have a final product that is useful to the world- in the form of entertainment. This is what I like to call the "feel good stuff" of the world. Without feel good stuff life would be quite boring. If life was boring and you never felt good we'd have a pandemic outbreak of suicide. So let's thank the arts for life, shall we? 

And I digress... Back to the topic at hand. 

I am a New Yorker, born and bred. I am Latina and proud of it. They don't get as Puerto Rican as I am- well at least my friend Bianca thinks so. I am a lover of love and anything that can bring about this feeling in and out of me. Beauty inspires that feeling in me so I am a lover of all things beautiful. I believe that there is beauty in all things living so call me a lover of life. 

At the end of the day I'm just me. Take me as I am. I wear my heart on my sleeve, I look like a B**** (it's the Brooklyn in me), But I am really too nice for my own good.  

I'm starting this blog to chronicle my journey of becoming a Professional Dancer in NYC. This will be my own public journal of sorts. I am also doing it because I love to write, and I recently met someone who has inspired me to write again. 

So there's my intro. Nothing too exciting- yet. Enjoy the blog- I'll keep it interesting. I promise. 

I try to end every day positively so I'll do the same with the blog. Each entry will end with this: 

5 Things I am Thankful For:

1) Chris Hunt- he's the friend that inspired me to write again. 
2) Health- no job = no health insurance in NYC. Thank God for health 
3) True Friends- no explanation necessary 
4) My Unlimited Metrocard- MTA is always going my way 
5) Living- not just LIFE but LIVING in every moment and not looking back
